Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We're not done yet!

Here we are in the last few minutes of the day (here on the East Coast of the US) but we're not done with this challenge yet! We just had another child chosen! Agano Nyundo in Goma, DR Congo has just been chosen! So we now stand at 15 children chosen! We could still get more before the day is officially over so don't count us as "done" yet! Keep on talking!

So....who are you talking to about sponsoring a child RIGHT NOW!
Thanks so much!

Jamie :-)

The Final Hours

Here we are in the final hours of our sponsorship challenge and we just had one more child chosen! Maombi Seburo in Goma, DR Congo has just been chosen! So now our total stands at 14 children chosen - still 11 short of our goal. But the day isn't over yet! We can still come closer! So please keep spreading the word!

Who are you talking to about sponsoring a child right now??

Thanks so much!

Jamie :-)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 25

So we are into the last 24 hours of this challenge and we just had one more child chosen! Dorcas Akello in Kampala, Uganda was just chosen! So we have officially passed the half-way point to our goal of 25 children sponsored. I know it doesn't seem like we'll meet that goal at this point but I don't want to give up now! Finding a sponsor for even just one more child before our challenge officially ends tomorrow night will be fantastic! So please, don't stop yet! Keep on posting, talking, sharing, etc!

Who are you talking to about sponsoring a child today?



Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 24

Yay! Three more children have been chosen! Adam, Eve & Vicky Omali in Kampala, Uganda have all been chosen for sponsorship! So that brings our total up to 12 children chosen and 13 more to find sponsors for. The challenge will end in just 2 days so let's see how close we can come to reaching that goal! Please - talk to your friends - post messages on the web - whatever you can do to get the word out - these children need our help!

So....who will you talk to and where will you post a message about sponsoring a child tomorrow??

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 19

Good news! Another child has just been chosen for sponsorship! Mugisha Ruvamwabo Hazika in Rwankuba, DR Congo has just been chosen. That brings our total number of children chosen up to 9 children chosen, just 16 more to find sponsors for in order to meet our goal. This challenge is scheduled to end just one week from today - June 30th. We can still reach this goal but we really need your help. Please talk to everyone you can - let them know these children need our help!
Here are some statistics I read recently - 30,000 children in Sub-Sahara Africa die every DAY due to hunger and/or malnutrition. 15 million children have been orphaned due to AIDS. And it is estimated that between 2005 and 2010, 25 million AIDS orphans will die because they have no one left to care for them. Those numbers are staggering to say the least. So please, help us find sponsors for these children.
So....who will you talk to or where will you post a message or a link about sponsoring a child tomorrow?
Thank you so much!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 12

Good news! Another child has been chosen for sponsorship today - Joy Agatesi in Kigali, Rwanda! So that brings us up to 8 children sponsored and just 17 more to find sponsors for to meet our goal! Things are progressing well but please don't quit! We need you to keep on spreading the word about all the other children who are still waiting for a sponsor!

So.....who will you talk to about sponsoring a child today??
Thanks everyone!
Jamie :-)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 10 update

It's day 10 of our sponsorship challenge and our official count is 7 children sponsored, 18 more to find sponsors for to meet our goal of 25 children sponsored in 25 days. Since our last update, we have had one more child chosen for sponsorship - Heritier Rukira in Rwankuba, DR Congo. Our goal is still within reach but we need help. Please talk to your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, etc. Let them know these children need our help.

So.....who will you talk to about sponsoring a child?

Thank you so much!

Jamie :-)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 4 - 4 more!

We have FOUR MORE children who have been sponsored today - day 4 of our challenge! Their new sponsor had actually contacted me before our challenge officially started but since it was not completed until today I decided to count these sponsorships in our challenge total. Ushindi Kaziga in Goma, DR Congo, her sister, Neema Nsimire in Goma, DR Congo, Chiza Nowamani in Kabale, Uganda and Grace Uwineza in Kigali, Rwanda were all sponsored today! So that brings our count up to 6 children sponsored, only 19 more to go to meet our goal!

So....who will you talk to about sponsoring a child tomorrow? Let's see that number of children sponsored going higher and higher!

Thanks so much!
Jamie :-)

- In the interest of space, I decided not to post these children's photos! Four photos on one post would be quite a bit!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 2 update

We have another child chosen! Antoinette Zawadi in Rwankuba, DR Congo has just been chosen for sponsorship! So that makes 2 children sponsored and 23 more to go to meet our goal!

So......who will you talk to about sponsoring a child?

Thank you!

Jamie :-)

Challenge update - day 2

I am so pleased to announce that we have had our first child chosen in our current sponsorship challenge!! Neema Esperance in Goma, DR Congo has just been chosen!! So that makes 1 child sponsored, just 24 more to go to meet our goal. As I said when I started the challenge, this one will be difficult to meet but I KNOW it can be done. Won't you please help us help the children? Talk to your friends and neighbors. Give them the URL of the website. Let the children's faces speak for themselves.
So....who will you talk to about sponsoring a child today?
Jamie :-)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A New Challenge!

O.k. - so this will be a tough one but I know we can do it if everyone helps out. I am going to set a goal to get TWENTY-FIVE (25) kids sponsored in the next 25 days. If I've done my math right (which is always a good question!), that would put us up to June 30th. It would be WONDERFUL to have 25 kids taken care of before then. The children in the Congo will be starting a new school year in September and what a wonderful blessing it would be to them to start out a new school year with a new sponsor! So what do you think? Do you think we can do it? It will take a lot of effort. Everyone will need to get out there and talk to their friends, neighbors and family members. I've got brochures coming from the printer any day and I'll be happy to mail them out to anyone who wants to use them!
So......let's do it! 25 kids sponsored by June 30th! Ready.....set.....GO!!!
Jamie :-)